Logar & Heimo
of Unrest
Remembering Nazi terror in public
This artistic action and book
presentation in public space sets out to highlight the problem of
commemoration, to reflect on the monument, and to probe the
background of official commemoration culture by considering today’s
Belgier-Kaserne, the former SS barracks. The starting point are the
events of May 1945 when the SS had the bodies of those who had been
executed and buried on the site of the SS barracks Graz-Wetzelsdorf
disinterred to cover up Gestapo crimes in April 1945. This does not
appear to have been completely successful, however, with repeated
hints and rumors of the bodies of murder victims on the grounds of
the barracks.
Ernst Logar, who already examined
crimes at the Feliferhof firing range and the SS barracks
Graz-Wetzelsdorf in depth in Den Blick hinrichten (Focusing the Gaze
[on executions by the rifle squad]) in 2004, is currently looking at
the Gedächtnishain (memorial grove), the new monument erected on the
supposed site of the mass graves in 2011. This is a place with many
facets: a scene of historical crimes, the last resting place of
people who were executed, and a place of memory. It is still not
known for sure whether the victims’ remains are actually buried on
the grounds. The site has thus equally become a place of probability,
uncertainty, and unrest.
7.10.2018, 11:00
Public space outside the
Graz-Jakomini (prison center)
Conrad von Hötzendorf Straße 43
8010 Graz
Free admission
7.10.2018, 12:15
Straßganger Straße 171
8052 Graz
Free shuttle bus from Justizanstalt
Graz to Belgier-Kaserne and back.
Please register by 5.10. via email:
A collaboration of CLIO Verein für Geschichts- und Bildungsarbeit
& pArtisan – Kunst im sozial- und gesellschaftspolitischen
Supported by steirischer herbst
Ort der Unruhe / Place of Unrest

Essays by
Heimo Halbrainer, Nora Sternfeld.
(ISBN 978-3-85435-885-5)
Klagenfurt/Celovec: Drava publishers 2018
The End of Remembering - Carinthian Partisans
at Salzburger Kunstverein
Living Together How? (Group show)
Main Hall
Wednesday, April 25, 2012, 7 p.m.
Artists: Johanna Diehl, Nilbar Güres, Klub Zwei, Ernst Logar, Ján
Mancuška, Wendelien van Oldenborgh
Curator: Hemma Schmutz
The End of Remembering - Carinthian Partisans
Film und Filmgespräch
Tuesday, 17. April 2012, 7pm
Stadtmuseum Graz
Sackstraße 18
8010 Graz
The video installation by Ernst Logar entitled The End of Remembering,
in which ethnic Slovenians native to Carinthia tell of their drastic
experiences with the partisans during the Second World War, of the
postwar years and of their present-day living situation in Carinthia.
The conversations filmed by the artist are poignant documents of the
final generation of those contemporary witnesses who stood up against
the National Socialist regime and whose firsthand memories will soon be
lost forever.
The End of Remembering - Carinthian Partisans
Das Ende der Erinnerung - Kärntner PartisanInnen
Konec spomina - koroški partizani in partizanke
This book is a companion publication to the video installation by
Carinthian artist Ernst Logar entitled Das Ende der Erinnerung, in
which ethnic Slovenians native to Carinthia tell of their drastic
experiences with the partisans during the Second World War, of the
postwar years and of their present-day living situation in Carinthia.
The conversations filmed by the artist are poignant documents of the
final generation of those contemporary witnesses who stood up against
the National Socialist regime and whose firsthand memories will soon be
lost forever.
The video installation has been shown at many historic locations in
Austria: at Palais Epstein (Austrian Parliament, early 2008), at the
Memorial for Victims of National Socialist Criminal Justice at the
Vienna Regional Court (April 2008), at the Carinthian Museum of Modern
Art (MMKK) (June-November 2008), at Kulturhaus St. Primus / Kulturni
dom Šentprimož (June-July 2008) and at the museum and memorial Museum
Gedenkstätte Peršmanhof / Muzej pri Peršmanu (July-October 2008), as
well as in the Aula (assembly hall) of the University of Vienna
(October-November 2010) and at the Pavelhaus/Pavlova hiša in
Laafeld/Potrna near Bad Radkersburg (December 2010-February 2011).
The book contains written contributions by Aleida Assmann, Brigitte
Bailer-Galanda, Wolfgang Neugebauer and Roland Schöny, as well as the
biographies of the twelve historical witnesses shown in the video
installation, whose interviews are contained in the included video DVD.
Hardcover with Video-DVD 112 pages (German, slovenian and english)
DRAVA 2011. ISBN: 978-3-85435-649-3
Editor: pArtisan - Kunst im sozial- und gesellschaftspolitischen
Price: € 24.80.- (plus € 4 shipping/handling within Austria)
Order at:

Book cover
The End of Remembering - Carinthian Partisans
Konec spomina - koroški partizani in partizanke
Book presentation: Ernst Logar
31.May 2011 7pm
Kärntner Landesarchiv
St. Ruprechter Straße Nr. 7
A-9020 Klagenfurt
- Mag. Ernst Logar (Book presentation)
- Mag. Brigitte Entner (Geschichte des Partisanenwiderstandes im
südlichen Kärnten)
- Zeitzeugengespräch (Zeitzeuge angefragt)
The End of Remembering - Carinthian Partisans
A exhibition series by Ernst Logar

Moschenitzen/ Moščenica
University of Vienna
21. October – 12.November 2010
Opening 20. October 2010 7.30 pm
Opening times Mon – Sat 9am – 8pm
Universität Wien
Dr. Karl Lueger Ring 1
A-1010 Wien
next exhibition: The End of Remembering - Carinthian Partisans

Strugariach/ Strugarji
Pavelhaus/ Pavolva hiša
Opening: 10. December 2010 7.30 pm
10. December 2010 – 28.February 2011